Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Dead Zone

it was lunch break, we all have taken lunch and gatherd at giggs rooms (giggs room was more than a common room for us,last room of the hostel, no one can hear what a stupid planning is going on, an old ceiling fan, bed with 3 leggs and supported by bricks,window without glass).

Those days we had only topic to discuss was ana (a young lulu), when the discussion starts about her, it was nice to see mani, hands on his chick, opened eyes dreams (he had or even he can see her with opened eyes today aswell- don't confuse with it, he can see her with opened eyes without her presence, which secernate him).

a beautiful song was making the environs romantic, mani was looking the video as he was the Aamir he got heroin as ana, all of a sudden, power cut, & giggs pc shutdowned (it never had UPS for backup- u enjoy it till you have blessing of elecricity board)......

a silence ...

all of sudden, mani burst , bhag b*******,
sala mud kharab kar diya (it rubbished my mood),
how profoundly i was with my darling !!!
it completely ruined it...

then the evil mind of vivvs started typing something on his mobile...
then he asked, " do i send it?
what is it?
a simple message..
to whom..
now he started to type a mobile no. 983555****( you must appreciate me for my strong, unassailable memory power)

hey what's the message is...

After a long contend, vivvs agree to show the message..

"aajaa aajaa kareja me sama ja" (how pathetic & miserable, it was,
although those days it was a hit bhojpuri song)

hupp, don't send it, she will never see me or i would never be in condition to see her after this chip one..

on the spur of moment, nitin's entry occured...
what happened, what happened..
he taken the mobile from vivvs hand,
what do i send it?
no.. never..
he clicked the send buttom without seeing the message...

what the hell u did?
what the message was, nitin then acknowledged (it was normal thing for nitin, he often takes decision without using his upper part, actually its not his problem, its by default, a sofware programming in his mind has an unclosed loop)

now the situation became worst, we had to go to lab in our second half and she was her lab partner,he was completely predicamented............

                                                                                  continued...(end of the chapter 1, The dead zone.....)

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1 comment:

  1. nostalgic moments...miss those flakiness
    waiting for continued..............
