after a few moment another knock on my door, i completely irritated, i sticked to door so that after just a knock i would open & catch that bastard. but a silence i completely exhausted now, plucked my hair in soreness. Suddenly giggs called me ...lets go to bullet dhaba..... then i came to know about that stupid.
Any way, i moved with him with spreaded hair ( a look like a jaundice patient, just moved from his bed). As per our routine we taken samosa, tea & some even two less than a dozen EMP (it was a night pill, when the stock of mahtab depleted). now it was turn to pay bill, so bullet came, what was the order sir, at that time one of the most fluent, with admirable sense of humor person was with us, he told 6 samosa, 4 sweets, 3 tea, and 7 glass water. bullet now completely baffled, i can remember that with every glass of water he had to calculate freshly.
After finishing all these stuffs, we directly moved to roof & started the same discussion ( i think after going through my blogs you must understood the subject of discussion). Giggs mood was completely off as per his last night mussitating with her. & when someone in our group is fuss, vivvs mind activation energy crosses its all threshold value, he arranged a Rim mobile ( karlo gf mutthi me, wo v free), we all suddenly moved to our cage (giggs room) & one more tattling picked its rhythum. With every rhythm he was moving to another corner trying to move as far as possible, but a 10/10 room was not sufficient to put his voice mute from us.I can't figureout what exactly deal was between them but still remember the word AGGRAVATE," i don't want to aggravate the relationship" ( hope giggs would have some relationship with her, sorry mani - don't cry foul here).
tramadol hcl
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